The Other Art Club - Testimonial

“Ruth came to film my bookbinding masterclass workshop in April 2014, with a view to documenting the process and making a short promo film for my business ‘the other art club.’

It was so wonderful to have Ruth there throughout the workshop. Her presence was so unobtrusive but at the same time having her there made me feel very supported and as though the workshop was more of a collaboration between us.

Teaching can feel very exhausting as there is a lot of giving as a teacher. But having Ruth there documenting it through photographs and filming made me feel much less drained as she was there giving creatively to the process also.

I’m so happy with the final result! It’s better then I had dreamed it could be!

I feel that the final film that Ruth has created has captured what the other art club is about, in a gentle and unassuming way.

I feel the business can be seen as a more authentic brand now and new customers have commented on how much they like it. I think that the film makes them trust me more, as they can see from the film how much care and effort goes into my workshops and how much people enjoy them.

Thank you Ruth!”